
Basel Adopts WOCCU Recommended Approach in Pillar 3 Disclosure Requirements

WOCCU’s recommended approach of limiting application of the Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) requirements at resolution group level to internationally active banks or global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) was adopted by The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Committee) today in its technical amendment on additional Pillar 3 disclosures requirements.  These requirements are for those jurisdictions implementing an expected credit loss (ECL) accounting model as well as for those adopting transitional arrangements for the regulatory treatment of accounting treatment.   

WOCCU filed its comment letter earlier this year urging this approach noting that such an approach would be an appropriate proportional regulatory approach vis-à-vis reporting compliance burdens for credit unions. 

A copy of the Committee’s technical amendment on additional Pillar 3 disclosure requirements can be viewed here.
