
ENCU Responds to EBA Consultation on Draft Implementing Technical Standard on Supervisory Reporting

The European Banking Authority (EBA) solicited comment on their Draft Implementing Technical Standards on supervisory reporting requirements for institutions under Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (Draft ITS), which addresses “institutions’ compliance with prudential requirements as put forward by the CRR and related technical standards as well as additional financial information required by supervisors to perform their supervisory tasks.” Additionally, the EBA the Draft ITS revised reporting modules to adhere to two amendments to the CRR made in 2019  regarding liquidity, leverage and large exposures; and amending the’ backstop regulation’ “which sets out uniform minimum levels of coverage to ensure that institutions have sufficient loss coverage for future non-performing exposures (NPEs)” The European Network of Credit Unions (ENCU) stated its support for the EBA’s updates and revisions to its Draft ITS, and the incorporation of proportionality in the reporting requirements, however, ENCU urged EBA to encourage finalization of the Basel standards using proportionality in the reporting requirements.  This consultation ran parallel with the EBA’s consultation on ITS on public disclosures; and for more information on ENCU’s response to this consultation, please see our blog post here. ENCU's response to the EBA Consultation on Draft Implementing Technical Standards on Supervisory Reporting can be viewed here

The Draft [ITS] on supervisory reporting requirements for institutions under Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, can be downloaded here.

Comment Letter, ENCU, European Banking Authority