WOCCU Calls for Further Proportionality Guidance for Credit Unions
2019-04-03Following a meeting by representatives of the credit union industry, the World Council of Credit Unions wrote to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) to ask for further guidance to achieve the goal of better proportionality in regulation for credit unions.
In its letter, WOCCU urged additional guidance in the form of a set of high-level principles or weighing-factors on when less complex regulatory approaches can be warranted. WOCCU noted that without additional guidance, many national-level policymakers continue to feel obligated to apply Basel III and other Basel Committee standards to non-complex, purely domestic deposit-taking institutions such as credit unions. This notwithstanding that the Basel framework is intended only for internationally active banks and the expensive compliance standards are not warranted for credit unions.
This letter followed an effort led by WOCCU making the case for proportionality to the Basel Committee last week with several representatives of the credit union industry including Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) President & CEO Martha Durdin, Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) President & CEO Mike Lawrence and Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan.
A copy of the letter can be viewed here.