
ENCU Urges Proportionality in EBA's Reporting Requirements for Market Risk

The European Network of Credit Unions (ENCU) responded to the European Banking Authority's public consultation regarding specific supervisory reporting requirements for market risk. These requirements are the initial elements of the Capital Requirements Regulation's (CRR2) launch of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book. The consultation serves to "include proposals for a thresholds template, providing insights into the size of institutions’ trading books and the volume of their business subject to market risk, and a summary template, reflecting the own funds requirements under the ‘Alternative Standardised Approach’ for market risk (MKR-ASA)." In a comment letter, ENCU responded directly to the EBA’s Draft Implementing Technical Standards on specific reporting requirements for market risk, and stated its support their Draft Standards, but urged the EBA to finalize these standards with consideration for credit unions by implementing proportional requirements that recognize the limited resources of smaller financial institutions. ENCU’s comment letter can be viewed here.

Comment Letter, ENCU, European Banking Authority