
ENCU Comments on EBA Draft ITS on MREL and TLAC

ENCU responded to the European Bank Authority’s consultation regarding their Draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on Disclosure and Reporting of MREL and TLAC. The draft ITS consisted of the EBA’s proposals for MREL/TLAC templates and tables that implement disclosure and reporting requirements. The EBA hopes to “optimise efficiency by institutions when complying with their disclosure and reporting obligations, to facilitate the use of information by authorities and market participants, and to promote market discipline.” The EBA requested feedback on the necessity, discrepancies, and clarity of specified tables and templates. ENCU emphasized its support for the EBA’s efforts to “to maximise efficiency by institutions when complying with their disclosure and reporting obligations, and to facilitate the use of information by authorities and market participants.” ENCU’s comments on this draft ITS can be found here.

Comment Letter, ENCU, European Banking Authority