WOCCU Urges IASB to Implement Reg Relief in IRB Reform
2020-05-26The World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) urged the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to adopt measures that would reduce regulatory burden on credit unions in its comment letter on the IASB's Exposure Draft on Interest Rate Benchmark Reform.
The Exposure Draft is part of the IASB's Interest Rate Benchmark Reform, which was issued in September 2019, and is the next phase of the project that considers the effects of interest rate benchmark reform on an entity’s financial statements that arise when interest rate benchmarks are replaced with alternative, nearly risk-free interest rates that are based, to a greater extent, on transaction data (alternative benchmark rates).
WOCCU urged the use of the practical expedient in numerous instances to reduce the regulatory burden on the preparation of financial statements.
A copy of the comment letter can be viewed here.