WOCCU Urges Proportionality for FSB’s Evaluation of Too-Big-to-Fail Reforms
2020-10-01The Financial Stability Board (FSB), requested comment on their Consultation Report on the Evaluation of the effects of too-big-to-fail (TBTF) reforms for systemically important banks. The reforms under evaluation included, “ (i) standards for additional loss absorbency through capital surcharges and total loss-absorbing capacity requirements; (ii) recommendations for enhanced supervision and heightened supervisory expectations; and (iii) policies to put in place effective resolution regimes and resolution planning to improve the resolvability of banks.” Although TBTF reforms were constructed for systemically important banks, WOCCU emphasized that these reforms have indirectly affected credit unions due over regulation by national level regulators that uses TBTF reforms as a standard across all financial institutions regardless of the size, risk, and complexity of the institution. WOCCU’s response to the FSB’s Consultation Report can be found here.