FSB and IMF Publish Requested Report on G20 Data Gaps Initiative
2021-10-13As a follow up to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) report entitled, The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps (2009), that discussed information gaps and strengthening data collection, the entities published the Sixth Progress Report - Countdown to December 2021. The first report was phase one of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DG-1) where G20 Ministers and Governors requested the FSB and IMF examine information gaps and generate proposals to strengthen data collection processes. The Sixth Progress Report and phase two (DG-2) sets out to “to implement the regular collection and dissemination of reliable and timely statistics for policy use”, as well as provide new recommendations that outline policymaker priorities, including: (i) climate change; (ii) household distributional information; (iii) fintech and financial inclusion data; and (iv) access to private sources of data and administrative data, and data sharing.
The report consists of 20 different recommendations falling under the following headings:
- Monitoring risk in the financial sector;
- vulnerabilities, interconnections and spillovers; and
- data sharing and communication of official statistics.
More information and highlights of the Sixth Progress Report - Countdown to December 2021 can be found here.